~Restore ~ Relax ~ Replenish ~ Revive ~ Relief ~ Rem & Recover

Collection: Muscle & Joint Support

Natural and complimentary products to help combat inflammation and symptoms of pain

What about the rest?

Don't forget the SOAK

Our Soothing Soak range is the best combination for all our Muscle and Joint releif products. Enjoy a bath in our highly concentrated electrolyte soaks and then apply the spray or rub for total replenishment

Soak Benefits

Read how our soak differs from the rest. --> Soothing Soak Benefits

or take a look at why we need electrolytes in general--> Electrolytes and why we need them

Multimode Approach

Our products help with a range of disease, disorders and conditions that vary from acute to chornic in the most natural and evidence based way. They compliment established care plans or treatments and give back to the basic needs, which help the body to process, distribute and metabolize any pharmaceutical methods more effectively.

Read more here

Take Back Control

When you have access to and awareness of what multimode approach to wellness is, your quality of life will be better supported. When given a diagnosis of a condition or illness that has a prognosis of an incurable or progressive in nature, it can be extremely overwhelming and disheartening.
Products such as outs ensure there is no risk to underlying health, no flare ups will occur and the body can stabilize meaning your symptoms can be easily managed in more than one way. Take control, don't let the condition own you but rather you own it but caring for your body, addressing your needs and lessening the symptoms that hinder day to day life.